0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 22, 2015 4:44 AM by lzoubek

    Running CLI in non-interactive mode




      My server's management interfaces are secured with SSL certificate and I am trying to run

      jboss-cli --connect --commands ":whoami"


      In case I did not permanently accept the certificate before nor configured it in jboss-cli.xml, process is blocked until I provide some input.


      Is there a way to run jboss-cli in real non-interactive mode? In above case I'd expect jboss-cli to terminate with non-zero exit code.

      Use case is in RHQ Agent plugin, which can execute jboss-cli. If server's native interface is secured, our plugin get's blocked, because jboss-cli is waiting for input. We need to fix it, so the user at least knows, he has to properly configure jboss-cli.xml.