Hi Guys!
I'm trying to implement a cluster with wildfly and mod_cluster 1.3.1, 2 nodes (1 master 1 slave) on the same machine, but I'm facing some problems...
I can surf to the web site, but there don't appear the nodes. Searching on the logs I can see the following messages over and over again:
2015-06-29 17:55:23,434 ERROR [org.jboss.modcluster] (UndertowEventHandlerAdapter - 1) MODCLUSTER000042: Error null sending INFO command to dptdesweb-app.grupold2.local/, configuration will be reset: null
On the console manager I can see the master and the slave node in the same group without any problem.
I'm going to attach my config.
Anyone have the same issue?
Hi we have self fixed the problem, it was related with the configuration of modcluster.conf virtualhost. There are some changes in the httpd 2.4.
Thanks anyway.