1. Re: Invoking services dynamically
wsimons Feb 18, 2015 10:59 PM (in response to calca)here is the chapter on custom service task handler Chapter 21. Domain-specific Processes
jbpm is basically a event or command see 5.3.2 java always uses listeners
finally if you are using rest api http://blog.eisele.net/2015/01/kickstart-on-api-management-with-jboss-apiman.html
you can use a signal inside your application http://www.infoq.com/articles/boris-lublinsky-jboss-jbpm
Chapter 17. Remote API under please notice you can make remote signal (event)calls with rest api
web api is a great resource for java in other words if you can figure out the spring framework and activiti
than you should be able to use jbpm switchyard java(weld) while it may not be exactly the same
once you figured out one you should be able to figure out the other. I own activemq, jbpm 5 books
manning and spring integration aprèss (the greatest book on middleware)
I do know that rest api is the recommended way to go with jbpm.
2. Re: Invoking services dynamically
calca Feb 22, 2015 7:56 PM (in response to wsimons)Hi William. Thanks for your response.
I know how to create jbpm work item handlers.
I am just trying to figure out how to create one that can call dynamically switchyard services...
Thanks again,
3. Re: Invoking services dynamically
wsimons Feb 22, 2015 10:48 PM (in response to calca)http://jboss-overlord.blogspot.com/
Chapter 1. Introduction to DTGovdid you look into this guide
also I see api is supported
4. Re: Invoking services dynamically
wsimons Feb 23, 2015 10:04 PM (in response to wsimons)FuseServiceWorksByExample/Home-Loan-Reference-Architecture · GitHub
I am really interested in governance architecture
Ibm uses this so I would be interested what you think
5. Re: Invoking services dynamically
kcbabo Feb 24, 2015 7:38 PM (in response to calca)Demian - not sure you want to go down this path, but I can point in you in the right direction and you can determine for yourself. If you have a bean implementation, you can get access to the ServiceDomain by injecting an instance of Exchange and grabbing the reference from there, e.g.
@Inject private Exchange exchange; public void myOperation(String msg) { ServiceDomain domain = exchange.getProvider().getDomain(); // do stuff with domain here }
6. Re: Invoking services dynamically
calca Feb 25, 2015 4:25 PM (in response to kcbabo)Hey Keith.
Basically, what I want to do is the same that it is done currently in the bpm service provided by SY, where you have a BPM node where you configure the service to invoke and you can use the BPM service to orchestate different services.
In my case, I could not use the provided BPM service, as I have something quite custom, where in the knowledge session (the drools & jbpm one), I have to dynamically add rules and also add processes. So I went for creating a custom service implementation. But in this service, I would still want to have the funcionality of calling SY services from my bpm processes.
In this case, I need to register a work item handler like SwitchYardServiceTaskHandler, which basically receives a service name, operation and parameters, and calls a SY service. I want to do the same, but to make SwitchYardServiceTaskHandler to work, I need to create it with a SwitchYardServiceInvoker instance, and this class needs
public class SwitchYardServiceInvoker {
private final ServiceDomain _serviceDomain;
private final String _targetNamespace;
Does it make sense? Do you see any simpler solution for this?
7. Re: Invoking services dynamically
kcbabo Feb 25, 2015 4:40 PM (in response to calca)Yep, I get what you are trying to do. Just pointing out that we didn't originally design the task handler to be used outside the BPM component so you may hit other issues beyond just getting access to the ServiceDomain.
8. Re: Invoking services dynamically
calca Feb 25, 2015 7:36 PM (in response to kcbabo)Yes, I imagine this, I will try with this and see. In the mean while I just used custom jbpm nodes so I can live with this.
Thanks Keith!
9. Re: Invoking services dynamically
synclpz Mar 25, 2015 10:56 AM (in response to calca)Hi Demian!
Did you achieved any success with your custom jBPM service? Especially in terms of executing SY services? And also with runtime process add/removal, performance?
Some time ago I tried to use SY's jBPM component but it was not working smoothly, so we decided not to use jBPM. There were problems with process designer, with invoking services and exception handling. Also the performance was very low (200-500 simple processes per sec on 2x8 core Xeon with 32GB RAM).
10. Re: Invoking services dynamically
rajkumar0809 Jul 8, 2015 10:15 AM (in response to calca)Hi,
Anyone Suggest me to Triggering the Workflow From Queue (ActiveMQ or Rabbitmq) ?