1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 14, 2015 5:37 AM by abhijithumbe

    Where is the CustomWorkItemHandler.conf file


      Hi ,

      I am using BPMS SUITE 6.1.0 GA.

      As per RedHat BPMS User guide 4.14. Domain-specific Tasks Custom WorkItem Handler should register in the following file


      But in BPMS SUITE 6.1.0 GA I don't find the file "CustomWorkItemHandler.conf" in above mentioned location.

      Can anyone tell me how I register Custom WorkItem Handler in BPMS 6.1.0 GA?

      rafachies can you please help me out?

        • 1. Re: Where is the CustomWorkItemHandler.conf file


          CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf is not shipped with BPMS 6.1.Its documentation bug and reported in BZ-1242854 . In 6.1 release we can register WorkItemHandler using  kmodule.xml or kie-deployment-descriptor.xml.





            <workItemHandler name="Test2" type="new com.redhat.sample.workitem.handler.DemoWorkItemHandler()"/>









          <identifier>new org.jbpm.process.workitem.rest.RESTWorkItemHandler("", "")</identifier>



