1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 3, 2015 2:36 AM by swiderski.maciej

    How to deploy kjar by business central?


      I can dynamically deploy kjars to local maven repository. I use mvn clean install to get kjars into maven local repository. Moreover, I use jbpm 6.2.0-SNAPSHOT api to get resources from maven local repository by the following code.

      DeployedUnit deployedUnit = deploymentService.getDeployedUnit(<groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>)


      But when I try to deploy kjars to maven repository by business central(, even I can successfully clean&deploy kjars by business-central which provided by jboss-brms-6.1.0.GA , running on jboss-eap-6.4.0 server, I cannot use that code to get deployedUnit. Eap6.4 always gives me a null pointer exception, when my application was running to that line. Although when I clean&deploy kjars successfully on business central, eap6.4 gives me warnnings. The log of eap6.4 is attached. Can anyone give me a hint? THX!


      (ps. I already check kjars's path under ~/.m2, and it is already in the maven local repository.)

        • 1. Re: How to deploy kjar by business central?

          deploymentService does not return information from maven repo but what is actually deployed to jBPM runtime. So unless you call deploymentService.deploy getDeployedUnit will not return any value which might explain null pointer exception if you attempt to read from the returned item.

