1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 27, 2007 9:40 AM by annegret

    Unabled to enlist resource Jboss 4.2 CR2


      I just upgraded from jboss-4.0.5.GA. I am now getting an issue which could related to the new binding -b option on startup.

      When trying to obtain a database connection to Sybase ASE I get the following Exception below.

      The extra arg1 is my machine name but jboss is adding an incorrect domain and I don't know where it is getting that information. How can I prevent jboss vrom adding on the machine.domain to the connection request?

      This exception originates from Sybase due to the following issue
      SQL Warning
      java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HT: Hostname property truncated, maximum length is 30:
      Also found an internal error: Could not find argument marker in error message.
      This does not affect normal operation of the application, but Sybase Technical Support should be made aware of this error.
      [extra arg1:mymachine.domain]

      org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!; - nested throwable: (javax.transaction.SystemException: java.lang.Throwable: Unabled to enlist resource, see the previous warnings. tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a2d8b2f:bcb1:463b5c6a:42 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!; - nested throwable: (javax.transaction.SystemException: java.lang.Throwable: Unabled to enlist resource, see the previous warnings. tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a2d8b2f:bcb1:463b5c6a:42 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >))
      at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource.getConnection(WrapperDataSource.java:94)
      at org.hibernate.ejb.connection.InjectedDataSourceConnectionProvider.getConnection(InjectedDataSourceConnectionProvider.java:47)
      at org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager.openConnection(ConnectionManager.java:423)
      at org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager.getConnection(ConnectionManager.java:144)
      at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareQueryStatement(AbstractBatcher.java:139)
      at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.prepareQueryStatement(Loader.java:1547)

        • 1. Re: Unabled to enlist resource Jboss 4.2 CR2


          anybody solved this issue ?
          I have the same error in jboss 4.2.0 GA.

          Accessing a sybase database through JDBC is working but accessing a (different) db in the same sybase server using hibernate causes this error.

          The code is running well in JBoss 4.0.4 GA but causes the error in JBoss 4.2.0 GA

          Any ideas ?
