2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 13, 2015 2:35 PM by askkuber

    rich:popupPanel doesn't work correct after migrating to 4.5.7.Final


      Hi all,


      we have some rich:popupPanel's with dynamic content and all of them set to autosized = true. For example one rich:popupPanel contains a rich:collapsiblePanel (switchType = client) that is closed by default if the rich:popupPanel opens. If the user is expanding the rich:collapsiblePanel the rich:popupPanel isn't resized due to the content of the rich:collapsiblePanel. Instead the rich:popupPanel shows scrollbars on the right side and on the bottom to scroll through the content.


      Another example is a rich:popupPanel containing a short form to add some data and a rich:dataTable below that is grown up if the user add some content. It's also the same problem: the rich:popupPanel isn't resized due to the content of the rich:dataTable. Instead the rich:popupPanel shows scrollbars on the right side and on the bottom to scroll through the content.


      We've used RichFaces 4.3.6.Final before and everything works fine.


      After investigating I figured out that RichFaces now calculates the width and height of the rich:popupPanel and set these information to the div's "popupId_container", "popupId_shadow" and "popupId_content_scroller" as style attributes. These information are not re-calculated in case of any changes to the content. It's only re-calculated if I call "popup.hide();popup.show();".


      With RF 4.3.6.Final the div's contains no information about width and height, thus the rich:popupPanel reduce or grow up with the content.


      As a workaround, we currently call a Javascript method in "onshow" that removes the widht and height attributes of the div's and set a "right: -5px;" to the "_shadow"-div. Than the behavior is same as we had with RF 4.3.6.Final.


      From my point of view, this is a bug because the autosizing doesn't work correct anymore. Should I create a ticket for this or do you know any other ways to configure autosizing work correctly?


