0 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2007 11:54 AM by beeyesc

    JBoss by default placing not null on CMP accessor methods wi


      getGroupId is The CMP accessor method on Entity Bean
      CustomFieldsEJBBean with the return type [int] which is a primitive in

      public abstract void setGroupId (int groupId);
      public abstract int getGroupId ();

      For cmp-fileds(getGroupId is a cmp-field defined in deployment descriptor)
      with primitives as return types , [not null] default constraint is applied
      by JBoss.


      I need to allow null for this cmp-field by updating deployment descriptor. I'm trying to find out a way to use <not-null> or others for this purpose. Help requested on this, as I am stuck on this in a porting project.

      Thanks and Regards,