0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 6, 2007 4:32 PM by jridgway

    Unable to locate appropriate constructor


      I am getting an "Unable to locate appropriate constructor" during the parsing of a named query. I am confused on why this is happening since this has worked for months until just a few days ago.

      Here is part of my query:

      SELECT new lema.entity.SimpleAggregateTotal (ps.recruiterId as recId ,count(*) as total)
      FROM lema.entity.PersonSummary ps, lema.entity.AccInfo ai

      The SimpleAggregateTotal constructors are setup with the following signatures:

      SimpleAggregateTotal(String code, Long total)
      SimpleAggregateTotal(Long id, Long total)

      We use this class to total up various counts with the keys being either a Long or a String value.

      Turning on debug level logging, I can see where the error is occuring during the parsing, but I can't seem to get a grasp on the root problem.

      Does anyone know how can I tell what the constructor signature should be?
