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1. Re: Is SwitchYard 1.1 compatible with EAP 6.2.4/6.3??
trohovsky Aug 27, 2015 10:20 AM (in response to tarun_bansal04)I think you will not know until you try your application with those EAP versions. Upgrading of SY is good idea as in 2.0 you have a bunch of fixes/enhancements/features. SY 2.0 should be as much compatible as possible with SY 1.0, so there should not be much effort when upgrading to it. SY 2.0 is intended for EAP 6.4, so there is still some risk that it will neither work on your EAP versions. But I think it's worth of try. Let us know your findings
2. Re: Is SwitchYard 1.1 compatible with EAP 6.2.4/6.3??
tarun_bansal04 Aug 27, 2015 11:07 AM (in response to trohovsky)Thanks Tomaz. I am trying the same. SY 2.0 on EAP 6.3. Will let you know how it goes