1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 7, 2015 10:53 AM by sreenathac

    Change the WildFly WSDL Soap Address


      I migrated my application from JBoss 5.1.0 GA to WildFly 8.2.0. I am facing an issue while loading WSDL after migrating to WildFly.


      In Jboss 5.1.0 my Jboss WSDL location was http://localhost:8080/project-ear-project-ejb/ProjectService?wsdl and my UI framework was build based on the given path.

      Now after migrating to WildFly I am getting WSDL path as http://localhost:8080/project-ejb/projectService/project?WSDL. Here projectService is the servicename and project is the name attribute of the @Webservice Annotation.

      @WebService(name = "project", serviceName = "projectService").

      I have seen some wildfly documentation, but I didn't find any documentation specific to the above case. Is there any way in wildlfy to change the WSDL address as per the above requirement.

