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1. Re: How cluster (server group) isolation in Wildfly 9 could be done?
pferraro Sep 9, 2015 12:08 PM (in response to salamont)Each server group should use a distinct set of initial_hosts.
<protocol type="TCPPING"> <property name="initial_hosts">...</property> </protocol>
You can parameterize this value using a ${...} expression, the value for which can be provided via system property.
2. Re: How cluster (server group) isolation in Wildfly 9 could be done?
salamont Sep 9, 2015 1:02 PM (in response to pferraro)Thank you, Paul.
This is what I thought. But it means - in the case of managed domain - to have a separate profiles for each server group, right?
3. Re: How cluster (server group) isolation in Wildfly 9 could be done?
pferraro Sep 9, 2015 3:23 PM (in response to salamont)Not if you parameterize the initial_hosts via system property.
4. Re: How cluster (server group) isolation in Wildfly 9 could be done?
salamont Sep 9, 2015 3:39 PM (in response to pferraro)OK, I didn't know it is possible to bind it to a server group. Now I have read that it is much more flexible than I thought. Many thanks!!!