0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 16, 2015 3:39 PM by edfarias

    Jboss 6.1.0 EAP is not using jsp-configuration anymore?




      I'm trying to use the default spec to get ride of white/empty/blank spaces on jsp output on the browser so I got the jsp-configuration documentation for JbossWeb but it seems to be that there is not working with my Jboss version (EAP 6.1.0). Do you know if JbossWeb works along with this version and if, what other way is available to handle this:


      I have seen two approaches


      1- modify the config file to add the jsp-configuration. I did this for standalone.xml

      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.4" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false">


                  <jsp-configuration development="true" trim-spaces="true" disabled="false"/>


                  <connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http"/>

                  <virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="true">

                      <alias name="localhost"/>

                      <alias name="example.com"/>




      2- Alter the jsp servlet for the container web.xml but it seems this Jboss version does not expose that one.




      Please adivse. Thanks!