4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 20, 2015 7:25 PM by unlimitedgb

    Unable to preview generated view in jboss data virtualization platform



      I am trying to create a view from an xml file using the JBoss Data Virtualization tool. I have followed all the steps outlined in the introductory videos on the JBoss website(1,2 and 3).


      After adding the XML source and creating a view, I am unable to preview the loaded data in JBDS. The error I am getting is:


      16:24:39,750 INFO  [org.teiid.RUNTIME] (MSC service thread 1-5) TEIID40003 VDB PREVIEW_32422061-a7d0-4b1e-abb9-a024ccae5693_MyFirstProject_project.1 is set to ACTIVE

      16:24:39,823 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (management-handler-thread - 2) JBAS018565: Replaced deployment "PREVIEW_32422061-a7d0-4b1e-abb9-a024ccae5693_MyFirstProject_project.vdb" with deployment "PREVIEW_32422061-a7d0-4b1e-abb9-a024ccae5693_MyFirstProject_project.vdb"

      16:24:39,824 INFO  [org.jboss.as.repository] (management-handler-thread - 2) JBAS014901: Content removed from location C:\Users\XYZ\DV-6.1.0\jboss-eap-6.3\standalone\data\content\78\12c46eba304dcfb27c3e24753735c7b59842e3\content

      16:24:40,428 WARN  [org.teiid.SECURITY] (New I/O worker #5) TEIID40011 Processing exception 'TEIID50072 The username "user" and/or password and/or payload token could not be authenticated by any membership domain.' for session null.  Exception type org.teiid.client.security.LogonException thrown from org.teiid.jboss.JBossSessionService.authenticate(JBossSessionService.java:74). Enable more detailed logging to see the entire stacktrace.


      I have tried testing the connection through the Admin Console and connection is successful. However when I test the connection through JBDS(ping connection) I get an error prompt(Please refer to screenshot).


      During installation uname and password used is:

      username: admin

      password: admin_1234


      No passwords have been changed.


      I am using:



      jboss EAP 6.3

      Teiid Plugin 9.0.2 Final


      Also in Screenshot 1 under Action Sets, when Model JDBC is selected all the sub items is <undefined>. I have no clue what I might have missed.


      I do not have the teiid-security-users.properties file in the folders mentioned in the Introductory video Part 1. For me its in the JBOSS_HOME\quickstarts\dynamicvdb-dataroles\src\security

      JBOSS_HOME = C:\Users\XYZ\DV-6.1.0\jboss-eap-6.3



      teiid-security-users.properties looks like this


      # A users.properties file for use with the UsersRolesLoginModule

      # username=password




      teiid-security-roles.properties looks like this

      # A roles.properties file for use with the UsersRolesLoginModule

      # username=role1,role2





      Please find the screenshots attached.


      Kindly help me on this.




        • 1. Re: Unable to preview generated view in jboss data virtualization platform

          I apologize, the quick start wasn't completely updated based on the security changes that were added in dV 6.1.    Those security properties are not used.   When you performed the JDV installation, you were prompted to enter passwords for users; admin and teiidUser.     The admin user is for the administrative functions, like using the admin console.   The teiidUser is the default application user defined for accessing Teiid. 


          In JBDS, when you configured the server, you filled in the admin username/password for the management functions.   However, there is a Teiid Instance tab, for which you need to fill in the username/password to use for making SQL queries.  That would be the teiidUser and password (u entered at installation time).


          Try configuring those two types of users on the server configuration and reply back how that goes.  And we can then go from there.



          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Unable to preview generated view in jboss data virtualization platform

            Thanks Van.

            I tried looking for the Teiid Instance tab. However I am not sure if I found the right one as I could not put the username and password anywhere on JBDS.


            On the server administrative console I have changed the password for the data source I created for the project and I got a successful ping (which I was not getting yesterday )


            On the database perspective in JBDS I changed the username and password and got a successful ping (which I was not getting yesterday)



            Query 3.png


            Can you please share a screenshot of what the Teiid Instance tab looks like in JBDS and where do i need to put the uname and pwd. Also I read some posts regarding some configurations (standalone.xml), can you please share some knowledge on that as well.




            • 3. Re: Unable to preview generated view in jboss data virtualization platform

              On the bottom left of JDBS, you see the Default Server, click to open the server overview.   When that opens on the right side of JDBS, you should see 3 tabs; Overview, Deployment, and Teiid Instance.   I'm showing my Teiid Instance tab below.   The overview is where the admin username/password is set.  The Teiid Instance, as shown below, is where you enter the JDBC connection username/password.


              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Unable to preview generated view in jboss data virtualization platform

                Thanks Van!! It worked