3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2015 9:31 PM by tadayosi

    rest:timeout option not recognized


      Hi, I am using SY1.1 and I added "timeout" option to my RESTEasy reference binding. But at build time I am getting following error:


      [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.switchyard:switchyard-plugin:1.1.0.Final:configure (default) on project my-test: SWITCHYARD011602: Model [org.switchyard.config.model.switchyard.v1.V1SwitchYardModel] is invalid: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'rest:timeout'. One of '{"urn:switchyard-component-resteasy:config:1.0":basic, "urn:switchyard-component-resteasy:config:1.0":ntlm, "urn:switchyard-component-resteasy:config:1.0":proxy}' is expected. -> [Help 1]


      Any ideas what might be wrong? The version "1.0" mentioned above looks suspicious.. but how to force to use 1.1? Everywhere in pom.xml I have "1.1.0.Final" as SY version..


      Update: ok, I updated manually switchyard.xml, and changed xmlns:rest="urn:switchyard-component-resteasy:config:1.1" to contain 1.1. Now building went fine. But still the question then would be how to do it automatically, so that I don't have to fix switchyard.xml manually? Is it something related to tooling? or project parameters?


      Update2: funny, but if I change it to 1.1. then all REST service bindings disappear from switchyard.xml "Design" tooling tab (no resteasy icons on the app diagram).

        • 1. Re: rest:timeout option not recognized

          For a question in "Update", if you choose "1.1" for a configuration version when you create a SwitchYard project in the tooling, schema version 1.1 should be chosen automatically. I don't know what's happen on a behavior described in "Update2", but did you change urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0 to 1.1 as well? I would re-create the application with using "New SwitchYard project" wizard when I need to update the schema version to avoid this kind of overlooking.

          • 2. Re: rest:timeout option not recognized

            Right. When I changed all switchyard namespaces to 1.1 everything looked fine in the tooling as before. Thanks.

            Are you saying re-creating the project is the only way to upgrade an application to next version of SY?

            I could re-create it but then anyway I would need to copy/paste the other content of switchyard.xml as I am not going to draw all the components again...so this way it is just easier to change namespaces.

            • 3. Re: rest:timeout option not recognized



              SY config version can be upgraded from the SY tooling. Open [Properties] of the project in Eclipse and check [Project Facets] tab. SY facet version should be "1.0" so change it to "1.1".


              Hope this helps