6 Replies Latest reply on Sep 25, 2015 8:59 AM by hchiorean

    node.remove() performance problem over cifs binary storage


      Hi all,


      We use modeshape 4.3 with a share cifs folder (/data/repo/data/binaries) for binary storage.

      infinispan storage is local

      First we had performance issue with getting metadata. Setting minimumBinarySizeInBytes to 4096 solved the problem.


      "storage" : {

              "cacheName" : "Repo",

              "cacheConfiguration" : "infinispan-config.xml",

              "binaryStorage" : {

                  "type" : "file",

                  "directory": "/data/repo/data/binaries",

                  "minimumBinarySizeInBytes" : 4096





      Then we notice that node.remove() (a parent node with about 1600 file child's nodes) takes a very long time :

      just the code for removing and session.save : 760 ms

      commiting the jta transaction : 2'30 min


      Do you know what's wrong ?


      Many Thanks,