I'm trying to develop a timeline using Hibernate Envers. To achieve that, I need to query for all changes in all types made in a specific date range. How can I do that?
I already managed to query for changes made in a date range, but just for one type (MyClass.class) as follows:
List<Object> changesList = this.getAuditReader().createQuery().forRevisionsOfEntity(MyClass.class, true, true) .add(new AuditProperty<Long>(new RevisionPropertyPropertyName("timestamp")).between(1443041652078L, 1443103687050L)) .getResultList();
My question is: is there any way to make this query retrieve other types (MyClass2.class, MyClass3.class,etc) along with MyClass.class? I need that so I don't have to query several types in separate and merge the results lists in the end, cause keeping a search pagination with such merge would be a P in the A...
Any help would be veeeery welcome.