4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 8, 2015 5:07 PM by rsoika

    @WebServlet - encoding - @MultipartConfig?



      I have a strange problem with a WebServlet running in Wildfly 8 and 9.

      The servlet is used to extract multipart fileupload requests. The servlet works well in general. It extracts the file content and stores the file in a session parameter. (You can see the sources here.)

      The problem is the extraction of the filename from the parts of a mulitpart http request. In case the filename contains german umlaute (ä,ü,ö...) the filename in the header of the corresponding javax.servlet.http.Part has the wrong encoding.

      I checked this with firebug and the name is send form the browser with UTF-8 encoding. But my servlet did not receife this encoding and it looks like the encoding of the header has change. 

      Is there a known bug with the transmission of multiparts in a servlet or did I missed a configuration isseue?

      The same servlet runs well in GlassFish3


      Thanks for any hints helping me to find a soution




        • 1. Re: @WebServlet - encoding - @MultipartConfig?

          I found this thread Rich:fileUpload and character encoding describing the same problem.

          Currently I am running on Wildfly 9.0.1 And adding


          to jboss-web.xml did not solve the problem.

          Only translating the filename with:

          fileName = new String(fileName.getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "utf-8"); 

          did result in the correct format. But I don't think that this is a platform neutral solution? :-/



          • 2. Re: @WebServlet - encoding - @MultipartConfig?

            I now try to solve the problem by guessing the ISO-8859-1 encoding


            byte fileNameISOBytes[] = fileName.getBytes("iso-8859-1");
              String fileNameUTF8 = new String(fileNameISOBytes, "UTF-8");
              if (fileName.length() != fileNameUTF8.length()) {
              // convert to utf-8
              logger.fine("filename seems to be ISO-8859-1 encoded");
              fileName = new String(fileName.getBytes("iso-8859-1"),


            A little bit ugly but it works on Wildfly and GlassFish.

            • 3. Re: @WebServlet - encoding - @MultipartConfig?

              Try to set this:




              in your servlet before actual processing of the request.

              • 4. Re: @WebServlet - encoding - @MultipartConfig?



                was my first try. But this have had no effect. The problem is that the header is receifed and processed by undertow in ISO-8859-1 encoding instead of UTF-8, as expected.