0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 15, 2007 1:16 PM by maykellff

    managing nomenclators with Entity Beans


      Hi all, i have a design question.

      I have a table named eyeType with and id and a value fields

      id : Integer
      value : VarChar <assian eye, round eye, large eye, spread eye, ect....>

      And i have a Person entity bean that map to table named person, this entity bean have like fields an id, a name, an address, ....., and an eyeType field. At data base level a one to many relationship between the tables eyeType and person is defined.

      Now i would like that when i load a Person entity from the data base the field eyeType came with its explicit value not with the id corresponding in the eyeType table.

      ?How can i do that, there is some EJB3 or Seam or Hibernate anotation trick that i can use?

      I hope your cooperation,
      thank you,