1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 10, 2007 1:16 PM by asookazian

    JPA/Hibernate and default constraints


      We have the following constraint defined in sql server 2005:

      USE [boIcomsSecurityAudit]
      ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblSecurityAuditNote] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_tblSecurityAuditNote_TimeStamp] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [TimeStamp]

      I am persisting to the db table above via a Seam2.0.0.GA/JBoss 4.2.2.GA web app. The constructor for the JPA entity is as follows:
      public TblSecurityAuditNote(Integer siteId,
       Integer employeeNumber, String noteType, String noteText) {
       this.siteId = siteId;
       this.employeeNumber = employeeNumber;
       this.noteType = noteType;
       this.noteText = noteText;

      After em.persist() fires in the SFSB and the transaction commits, the insert shows 'null' for the TimeStamp column (of type datatime) for that newly inserted record. The problem is that when the value is 'null' the default constraint does not fire the getdate() t-sql function. The default constraint works when I issue the following command in SQL management studio:
      insert into tblsecurityauditnote(SITE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, NoteType, NoteText)
      values (333, 74055, 'mojo jojo', 'text of a note')

      Is there a way around this (e.g. JPA annotation?) or should we remove the table default constraint and use a getdate method in the Java code??? setTimeStamp() is not being called on the JPA entity. So it must default to 'null' which makes sense I guess...
