Thanks Max,
As you are preparing Errai 3.2.1 for release, can you please make sure it works with the latest Keycloak 1.6?
Also, it would be nice to break the errai security demo down into two separate demos - one for PicketLink and one for Keycloak.
Right now, the combined demo makes it unnecessary hard for new users to pick out the keycloak bits from it. Better yet - just dump Picketlink
completely as it is pretty much dead at this point.
If you would like to open a Jira for upgrading the Keycloak version I can investigate this. But if the change is too big, it may have to wait until Errai 4.0.
I just filed an issue. It sounds like something must be done, since the KC version Errai is using is long forgotten, PicketLink is officially dead.
For most part this should be an easy upgrade, minor changes may be required for KeycloakAuthenticationService the way it copies properties from AccessToken. See my other posting in the forum from today.