1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 21, 2015 7:06 AM by pitinono

    REST regression or philosophy change?




      In 6.3, JaxbTaskSummary.getPotentialOwners():List<String> always return null, when called with

      - TaskService.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(...)

      - TaskService.getTasksByStatusByProcessInstanceId(...)

      But it was previously working well with 6.2. And I can't now get Potential Owners from TaskSummary from REST queries...


      Maybe am I missing something about some REST API changes between 6.2 and 6.3 ? Or is this "just" an issue ?




        • 1. Re: REST regression or philosophy change?

          After more investigation, it seems to be an issue in 6.3.


          With EJB remote:

          - TaskSummary.getPotentialOwners() always returns null

          And no possibility to get such info via UserTaskInstanceDesc...


          With REST:

          - TaskSummary.getPotentialOwners() always returns null

          - Task.getPeopleAssignments().getPotentialOwners() is working well, but requires a call of TaskService.getTaskById() for each task !


          Could somebody suggest a workaround to me ?