Hi all,
I have successfully builded in my application the HATimerService, it starts itselfs and all the subsequent timers and everything works correctly.
Btw it is instead not able to stop without errors, while the context gets stopped it raise a ComponentUnavailable or a NameNotFound exception while looking up the timers.
I'm using the same jndi path used for starting it. (global/earName/earModule/ejb!interface)
I checked with the admin console and I found that the only context available in that moment are:
JNDI = / ConnectionFactory
JNDI = / JmsXA
JNDI = / Mail
JNDI = / TransactionManager
JNDI = / queue
JNDI = / ejb
JNDI = / jms
JNDI = / jboss
but there is not java:global context available, given that, it raises during the stop of the first timer
EJBComponentUnavailableException: JBAS014559: Invocation cannot proceed as component is shutting down
and during the stop of the second
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Error looking up global/earName/....
Why the java:/global is unavailable inside the HATimerService.stop() method ?
thks in advance
Is that related to Info about SimpleSingletonElectionPolicy ?
If you try to stop the timers, this should not necessary as you need to add the timers as non-persistent anyway.