4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 27, 2015 8:21 AM by marlowa42

    WFLYCTL0184: Why does this error give no info on why the missing dependencies are missing?


      I have been grappling with the wildfly error WFLYCTL0184 for several days now. I am using wildfly 9.0.2.final on linux redhat enterprise 5. I am running it standalone with a couple of proprietary wars (hence I cannot disclose info about them or my precise config). I am getting this error in standalone/log/server.log:


      12:37:30,177 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([

          ("subsystem" => "remoting"),

          ("connector" => "remoting-connector")

      ]) - failure description: {"WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.remoting.server.remoting-connector is missing [jboss.binding.remoting]"]}


      It is the only error message I get. Other than that the server.log is completely clean. The boot.log is empty. Not a lot of clues to go on, I know.

      The provider URL I use is http-remoting://localhost:8180. Note that since switching from JBoss to wildfly I do everything through the http port. No more using 4777. I use 8180 instead of 8080 because the old JBoss setup is still running on the machine and that uses port 8080.

      I have looked at every jar under modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss and cannot find any class with remoting in the path that starts with jboss.

      I was able to find META-INF/maven/org.jboss.remoting/jboss-remoting in modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/remoting/main/jboss-remoting-4.0.9.Final.jar. This the closest I could get. There is no class there though, just a pom and property file.

      I really want to see a future version of wildfly in which this particular error report is preceded by information that says WHY it failed to find the dependencies. If only there was some way to crank of the verbosity level so you could where it was searching and which component or thing initiaised the search. Or maybe someone can make some suggestions as to what the cause of this error might be.




      Andrew Marlow

        • 1. Re: WFLYCTL0184: Why does this error give no info on why the missing dependencies are missing?

          It is telling you, that you are missing jboss.binding.remoting

          basically socket-binding with name "remoting" is missing.


          add it to the bottom of standalone.xml where socket-bindings are defined and restart the server.

          it should work.


          This kind of error messages should be greatly improved in 10, as we added some new system for resolving dependencies based on provides / consumes pattern.

          • 2. Re: WFLYCTL0184: Why does this error give no info on why the missing dependencies are missing?

            Thank you for your quick reply. This is definately part of the problem. I added it and got different errors to do with port already in use. I then commented out the line <socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:8180}"/> and got different errors about my war service not being able to be started:


              "Services that may be the cause:" => [




            • 3. Re: WFLYCTL0184: Why does this error give no info on why the missing dependencies are missing?

              why would you comment that out?


              put it back in as it is needed for web server to know where to bind to.


              you can keep all socket binding in the configuration file.

              they will only be used if they are needed.

              It is not like if you remove it there port wont be exposed.


              you need to remove the services that need it if you want to remove need for listening ports.

              • 4. Re: WFLYCTL0184: Why does this error give no info on why the missing dependencies are missing?

                I commented it out because I was getting the error address already in use. Later on I made it not commented out and used a different port number. That made the errors go away. Things are still not working but the errors I am seeing now are down to the particular app I am working on. However, I think it's not right for wildfly to try to use bind port 8180 for both the http port and remoting port. Whichever gets in last will get a binding error. I thought that everything was supposed to go via the http port so I still not sure why I had to add the socket binding for remoting.