2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 3, 2015 6:40 PM by tiago.matias

    How to define the PID for a bundle ?




      I'm trying to configure a feature repository with included configuration entries. The idea is to have a base feature with my two bundles and then a Quality and Production features that inherit the base feature and specify the properties for the services. Here's my starting point:


      <features name="foo-hub-features">

          <feature name="foo-hub-base-feature" version="${project.version}" description="Base bundles" resolver="(obr)">





          <feature name="foo-hub-qa-feature" version="${project.version}"

              description="QA configuration for the base feature" resolver="(obr)">


              <config name="pt.foo.hub.tuw-service">




              <!-- Specific configuration for the mysql service

              <config name="pt.foo.hub.mysql-service">






          <feature name="foo-hub-prod-feature " version="${project.version}"

              description="Production configuration for the base future" resolver="(obr)">


              <config name="pt.foo.hub.mysql-service">








      This installs perfectly on fuse 6.2. I created two profiles (QA+PROD) and assigned each feature to a particular profile. The profles are then assigned to a container.  However the services cannot find the configuration properties.


      This is the bundle-context.xml for one of the services (mysql service):


      <!-- namespaces removed for clarity -->


          <osgix:cm-properties id="cmProps" persistent-id="pt.foo.hub.mysql-service">

              <prop key="hostName"></prop>

              <prop key="database">dummyDb</prop>


          <ctx:property-placeholder properties-ref="cmProps" />

          <osgi:service auto-export="all-classes" ref="mysqlService" />



      And the bundle-context-osgi.xml:


      <!-- namespaces removed for clarity -->

        <bean id="mysqlService" class="pt.foo.hub.mysql_service.MysqlService">

          <property name="hostname" value="${hostName}"/>

          <property name="database" value="${database}"/>



      Howver the service fails because It cannot find those properties. Checking the console I got this:


      Pid:            service.f3840d63-aca7-46ae-b8ee-5ef0f70566db

      FactoryPid:     service

      BundleLocation: null


         database= qaDatabase

         hostFH =

         org.apache.karaf.features.configKey = pt.foo.hub.mysql-service

         service.factoryPid = service

         service.pid = service.f3840d63-aca7-46ae-b8ee-5ef0f70566db


      Obviously something is missing because the FactoryPid is set to "service" when it should be something like: "pt.foo.hub.mysql-service". Actually both my two bundles have the same FactoryPID.


      What am I missing? I feel that it must be something terribly simple and obvious!


      By the way, my POM is (simplified):


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

          xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">













          <name>Mysql Service</name>












































































      Thanks for any help

        • 1. Re: How to define the PID for a bundle ?

          By the way, I forgot to mention that the feature appears correct:


          JBossFuse:admin@root> features:info  foo-hub-qa-feature
          Description of foo-hub-qa-feature 2.0-SNAPSHOT feature
          QA configuration for the base feature
          Feature configuration:
          Feature has no configuration files
          Feature depends on:
            foo-hub-base-feature 0.0.0
          Feature has no bundles.
          Feature has no conditionals.
          • 2. Re: How to define the PID for a bundle ?

            I managed to solve this problem. Turns out, that '-' character in the PID is invalid (pt.foo.hub.mysql-service).