1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 7, 2015 4:42 AM by jimmy.pannier

    bus initialization timeout




      When i use erraiBusRemoteCommunicationEnabled=true and the server is not accessible (or no internet), ui does'nt load at all .

      I'm using CDI to inject a widget (in the entrypoint class) that add itself to the RootPanel.

      The widget does'nt inject bus neither services.

      I've the error expected : connection timed out BUT i have an other trace that is "components failed to initialize (my widget i suppose)".


      if i the use the script that disable the bus erraiBusRemoteCommunicationEnabled=true. the ui loads and the component is successfully initialized.

      The question is why the component fail to load ( the bus is not injected in the component) -> maybe cdi depends on it ? can we have a timeout ?

      The goal is to have a mobile application that's deployed in a cordova project and to be able to load with or without bus. (detect online/offline mode).