2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 8, 2015 5:38 AM by maxandersen

    Upgrade from version 8 to version 9


      Is there a way to upgrade JBoss Developer Studio 8 to version 9 from within the program or does one have to download the entire installer from the website?


      I've installed numerous updates from the JBoss Central "Updates" tab, though, the version of the program is still showing as:


      Version: 8.1.0.GA

      Build id: GA-v20150327-1349-B467


      Lastly, sorry if it's seen as off-topic, I have a current RHEL-Developer subscription.  Is it possible to include the "Developer Studio" as part of the repos or at least give access to that specific item on RHEL's Downloads page?

        • 1. Re: Upgrade from version 8 to version 9

          It is theoretically possible to update from JBDS 8.1 to 9.0 by adding to JBDS 8.1 the URL for the JBDS 9.0 update site (Window > Preferences > Update > Available Software Sites > Add...).




          * your workspace MIGHT get corrupted, so back it up first, and

          * your JBDS install MIGHT get corrupted, so back it up first.


          The URL for the JBDS 9.0 update site is:




          I don't believe this is a supported upgrade path, so if you try this and it doesn't work, your best bet is to simply download a new installer, or a new Eclipse, and do a fresh install.






          Re: the question about getting JBDS as part of RHEL downloads... JBDS is free; no subscription is required. You can download it from the URLs above.

          • 2. Re: Upgrade from version 8 to version 9

            Just to clarify a few points about Nick's response:


            First - it is not supported/recommend to do it by just updating - much better of installing a fresh.

            But if you do you workspace should *not* be corrupted - if it does that is a bug that we need fixing.


            About "Is it possible to include the "Developer Studio" as part of the repos or at least give access to that specific item on RHEL's Downloads page?" ...what are you referring to here ? Which "repos" ? The rpm based ones ? then unfortunately not an option since we don't have RPM based installs of JBoss Developer Studio.