1. Re: How to modify instance variables with Byteman
adinn Dec 9, 2015 4:15 AM (in response to mahesh.shet)Hi Mahesh,
I want to set the variable success to true, before I call a test method testIsSuccess in test class. How do i set the rule for byteman to do that? Any help is appreciated.
Well, that's easy to do but the code you have shown doesn't contain a call to test.IsSuccess. Let's assume you have a class somewhere which makes the call
class TestClient { public void validateTest(Test test) throws Exception { if (!test.isSuccess()) { throw new Exception("Error in Test " + test); } } }
Here is a Byteman rule which will ensure that the exception does not get thrown
RULE ensure success and earn $$$! CLASS TestClient METHOD validateTest AT INVOKE isSuccess IF TRUE $test.success = true ENDRULE
The rule is injected into the client code just before method isSuccess is called. If you want to be more precise you could make it clearer by writing AT INVOKE Test.isSuccess or AT INVOKE Test.isSuccess(). The assignment in the rule action uses $test to refer to the first parameter of method validateTest by name. Youcan also refer to it by index using the syntax $1.
Andrew Dinn
2. Re: How to modify instance variables with Byteman
mahesh.shet Dec 9, 2015 5:15 AM (in response to adinn)Hi Andrew Dinn,
Thanks a lot for your replying soon.
Here is my enum class:
public enum TestCode {
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR("Internal Server Error"),
SOME_FAILURE("Unknown Error");
private final String message;
private final boolean success;
private TestCode(String msg) {
this.message = msg;
this.success = false;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public boolean isSuccess() {
return success;
And here is my test class:
@BMUnitConfig(loadDirectory="target/test-classes", debug=true, verbose = true,bmunitVerbose = true)
public class TestCodeTester {
public void testisSuccess() throws Exception {TestCode fixture = TestCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
boolean result = fixture.isSuccess();
// add additional test code here
assertEquals(false, result);}
public void setUp() throws Exception {// add additional set up code here
public void tearDown() throws Exception {// Add additional tear down code here
}public static void main(String[] args) {
new org.junit.runner.JUnitCore().run(TestCodeTester.class);