2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2015 1:58 PM by arielcarrera

    Problems trying to construct a clean and realistic pom.xml for Switchyard/wildfly 8.1


      Hi, I am trying to do a little demo project from scratch...

      I downloaded the switchyard zip with a lot of modules into the layers SOA and BPMS and copied these into a wildfly server...

      Now I am trying to get a clean pom.xml with all dependencies in my environment... my question:

      There is a simple way to get a realistic pom with all dependencies into my wildlfy?


      When you import into maven the switchyard's BOM and wildfly's BOM you will conclude with multiple versions of dependencies managed.

      Do you know if exists a switchyard-wildfly POM (or something like this) that can contain all dependencies (modules) added to "wildfly" by Switchyard?

        • 1. Re: Problems trying to construct a clean and realistic pom.xml for Switchyard/wildfly 8.1



          What we suggest is to follow what's done in the SwitchYard quickstarts - import the switchyard-bom in dependencyManagement :



          That should provide correct versions for all your SwitchYard dependencies.  You'll still need to pull state your dependencies, but that should be pretty easy, especially if you can use a quickstart as a starting point. 

          • 2. Re: Problems trying to construct a clean and realistic pom.xml for Switchyard/wildfly 8.1

            Hi Tom, thanks for your reply.

            It's not exactly what I try to say...

            I could use your code, but it doesn't have the same versions that my wildfly's environment...

            For example, this switchyard-bom has a Resteasy 2.X version and "wildfly 8.1" has a 3.X version...


            When you install Switchyard into a Wildfly... you will adds to wildfly's BASE Module (layer) two modules layers (soa and bpms)...  is there a bom that contains only this list of dependencies?

            Instead of use your code... could be more realistic something like this:


            1. <dependencyManagement> 
            2.         <dependencies> 
            3.             <dependency> 
            4.                 <groupId>org.wildfly.bom</groupId>
            5.                <artifactId>jboss-bom-parent</artifactId>
            6.                 <version>8.1.0.Final</version> 
            7.                 <scope>import</scope> 
            8.                 <type>pom</type> 
            9.             </dependency>
            10.             <dependency> 
            11.                 <groupId>org.switchyard</groupId> 
            12.                 <artifactId>switchyard-wildfly8-bom</artifactId> 
            13.                 <version>${switchyard.version}</version> 
            14.                 <scope>import</scope> 
            15.                 <type>pom</type> 
            16.             </dependency> 
            17.         </dependencies> 
            18.     </dependencyManagement> 
