2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 7, 2016 3:47 AM by tktong

    Instances Not GCed when Cache is removed from Cache Manager


      This is on Infinispan 7.2.4.Final.


      After I stopped an existing local cache and removed it from the cache manager, I noticed that the cache and all other objects associated with the cache are not being garbage collected.



      If you look at the image below, you'll notice that the CacheManager is holding onto a listener (NumericVersionGenerator$RankCalculator) which in turn is holding onto the cache. Because of this reference, none of the cache related entities become eligible to be garbage collected. We continue to create a new cache per user session so our memory consumption grows until we simply run out. It is a little odd for the cache manager to be holding onto a listener for a cache that the manager no longer holds.



      Am I missing something in regards to properly stopping and removing a cache from the manager?