7 Replies Latest reply on Feb 21, 2016 12:41 PM by mauriclaudio

    Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.


      I've create with JBoss Forge a new Errai-based project (a very simple one, just an hello world page to be honest) and I'm trying to experiment a little with it.

      I succeeded in using an external copy of Wildlfy,commenting out POM part instructing maven to download a local copy of wildlfy, and setting errai.jboss.home property to local (external) Wildlfy home.

      This generally works, without any problem. Anyway, I've a couple of questions I need to ask you:


      a)  GWT development mode GUI shows that it tries to access via http-remoting to Wildfly instance. It uses port 9990. Now, what if for any reason i need to change Wildfly remoting port to another one ? How I can tell GWT GUI (sorry but I have no better definition for it ! If you have a better one please tell me...) to use another port ?


      b) Is there a way to avoid starting Wildfly every time I execute a mnv gwt:run ? I.E, would it possible to simply attaching to an already running wildfly instance ?


      Thanks for your support guys !!

        • 1. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.


          a)  GWT development mode GUI shows that it tries to access via http-remoting to Wildfly instance. It uses port 9990. Now, what if for any reason i need to change Wildfly remoting port to another one ? How I can tell GWT GUI (sorry but I have no better definition for it ! If you have a better one please tell me...) to use another port ?

          Unfortunately, port 9990 is currently hard-coded here. But it would be a pretty straight-forward change to add a system property to configure this if you're like to send a PR .

          b) Is there a way to avoid starting Wildfly every time I execute a mnv gwt:run ? I.E, would it possible to simply attaching to an already running wildfly instance ?

          We don't quite have a configuration like that either. You might have some luck modifying our EmbeddedWildflyLauncher to suit your needs (by removing the lines where it uses the EmbeddedServerFactory).



          • 2. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.

            Thanks max for your kind answer.


            Can you explain me how to send a PR ? Never done before. Moreover, is it possible to send a PR without having a software subscription with Red Hat ?


            Thanks again...

            • 3. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.

              I think Max was referring to a Github Pull Request (PR) where you could patch the Errai source code and submit your change to the Errai repository.



              • 4. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.

                Like Aaron said, by PR I meant pull request. Anyone is welcome to send a pull request to our repo here. If you are interested in contributing, you can usually find me on the #errai IRC channel on freenode (nickname mbarkley).

                • 5. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.

                  Ok,  thanks for clarification... so, I downloaded from GitHub a copy of Errai (using 3.2 as branch), imported it in Eclipse via Git plugin, and modified only Maven  "jboss" project to make wildfly remoting address parametric. Changes are indeed quite simple. I'd like to share them (they're absolutely nothing special, but may be useful ), but no idea about how I can share it.

                  I suppose I have to register myself on GitHub, and create a pull request... but I'm also afraid of making something wrong and cause problems. Would it possible to send you modified files via email, so that you can evaluate if apply code changes on the official repository or not ?  Or, at least, can you point me to any good GitHub tutorial that explains of it works ?


                  Thanks again...


                  By the way: it's really amazing to be able to grab source code, modify it, compile it and see how maven automagically adds your SNAPSHOT artifact to your local repository so that you can use it in your projects... Wonderful, no better words to describe it !!

                  • 6. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.
                    Would it possible to send you modified files via email, so that you can evaluate if apply code changes on the official repository or not ?


                    The easiest way for me to review your changes is through a pull request. Once you send the request I will review it, and merge it or give feedback if needed.


                    can you point me to any good GitHub tutorial that explains of it works ?


                    Here are some instructions on GitHub that may help you get started:


                    I hope that helps.

                    • 7. Re: Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.

                      Thanks Max for your kind answer... eventually, I manage to fork Errai repository, to apply simple changes to the code and to create a PR.

                      Hope it may be useful for other guys. Please note that it's the very first time that I try to contribute to an open source project by modifying source code, so ... be comprehensive if I've done something wrong .