0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 26, 2008 5:36 AM by jimmyw83

    Entity and second_lecel_cache in JBoss AS 5


      I have big problems to enable entity cache with hibernate and jbosscache in JBoss 5.0.0.

      The biggest problem is that i dont know how to monitor my cache.

      I have a EJB project with entity-beans and remote facades to manage persistence.
      And im only trying to setup a local-machine entity cache, and hopefully a second_level_cache aswell.

      I set the property of hibernate.cache.region.factory_class to org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.MultiplexedJBossCacheRegionFactory in persistence.xml

      And when i deploy the project, everything looks okay.
      How do i log when hibernate cache makes the decision of putting entitys and querys got, to the cache.
      And how can i reach the cache and see whats in it?

      Is there any other source then persitence.xml you need to change to enable cache?

      My persitence.xml look like this

       <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
       <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"/>
       <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.MultiplexedJBossCacheRegionFactory"/>
       <property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache" value="true"/>
       <property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" value="true"/>
       <property name="hibernate.cache.region.jbc2.query.localonly" value="true"/>
       <property name="hibernate.current_session_context_class" value="jta"/>
       -- snip --