3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 16, 2016 11:39 AM by objectiser

    WFLYEJB0006: ActivationConfigProperty clientId will be ignored since it is not allowed by resource adapter: activemq-ra




      According to The Message-Driven Bean Class - The Java EE 6 Tutorial the 'clientId' property is valid for use with a durable subscriber. However wildfly 10.0.0.Final produces the warning in the subject line.


      I would like to use the "clustered JMS durable subscription" capability of ActiveMQ Artemis which requires the same durable subscription name and client id to be set on the different nodes in the cluster.


      Looks like clientId used to be supported ([WFLY-1288] Support JMS 2.0 new activation properties for MDB - JBoss Issue Tracker). Is this a bug, or can the clientId be specified in another way?


      Thanks in advance.


