0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 18, 2016 8:06 AM by jizuzqui

    Differences between creating repos/org-units from kie-config-cli and business-central (jBPM 6.2.0 Final)


      Hi all,


      I would like to know what's the difference between managing organizational units, repositories and deployments from kie-config-cli and managing them from business-central app "Administration" panel. There are a few attributes that doesn't match and I'd like (attributes coloured in red are different between tools or don't exist in both repos) to know what's the difference and what's the right way to create ou's and repo's. I've created two repositories and here is the result for each used method:


      • kie-config-cli (offline mode)

      Currently available Organizational Units:

              Organizational Unit oukieconfigcli


              roles: []


      Repository repository1kieconfigcli

      scheme: git

      uri: git://repository1kieconfigcli

      environment: {username=, scheme=git, security:roles=[], init=true,

      org.kie.config.cli.command.CliCommand=CreateRepositoryCliCommand, password=****}

                         repository roles: []

      • business-central app

      Currently available Organizational Units:

      Organizational Unit oubusinesscentral


              roles: []


      Repository repository1businesscentral

      scheme: git

      uri: git://repository1businesscentral

      environment: {username=null, managed=false, scheme=git, security:groups=[],

      origin=null://null@null:0/repository1businesscentral, password=****}

      repository roles: []


      Thanks in advance.