1. Re: Conversation time out bug?
mkouba Feb 17, 2016 8:17 AM (in response to filipe.amaral)Hi Filipe,
what's the session timeout in your application? Conversations are scoped to a particular HTTP servlet session so if an HTTP session is invalidated/times out all the relevant conversations are destroyed as well (no matter what the conversation timeout is). See also 6.7.4. Conversation context lifecycle.
2. Re: Conversation time out bug?
filipe.amaral Feb 17, 2016 7:50 PM (in response to mkouba)Thanks Martin, for your answer.
You're right. I got confused with it cause I have the session timeout of 1 minute in my web.xml definitions. Feeling quite embarassed now for missing it
Nevertheless, if I got it right, the conversation timeout will kick in if lesser than that of the HTTP session one, right?
Kind regards,
--Filipe Amaral
3. Re: Conversation time out bug?
mkouba Feb 19, 2016 2:43 AM (in response to filipe.amaral)Yes, except that the timeout is just a hint for the container, i.e. the conversation does not necessarily have to be destroyed right after it times out. In Weld, if a conversation times out it is destroyed during the processing of the next HTTP request associated with the same HTTP session.