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1. Re: High Availability Switchyard instance Jboss EAP6.1 Active passive mode
tcunning Feb 26, 2016 4:32 PM (in response to ravi21588)Hi Ravi,
Probably a better question for the WildFly forum :
This suggests that creating two clusters though - one for active and passive. I'd imagine that if you did it that way you could just add another server into the passive cluster.
2. Re: High Availability Switchyard instance Jboss EAP6.1 Active passive mode
ravi21588 Feb 28, 2016 9:44 PM (in response to tcunning)Hi Tom,
iam using jboss FSW 6.0 and Jboss EAP 6.1 is the application server.
Can you please tell me how can we acheive active and passive server setup in standalone mode.