0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 2, 2016 5:57 AM by eletxi

    EAR libs are not deployed into JBoss EAP 6.3


      Hi everybody!


      I have an issue with this JBoss workspace configuration: JBoss Developer Studio 8.1 + JBoss EAP 6.3 + Maven.


      My project has an EAR module, a WEB module, an EJB module and two JAR modules. It compiles and builds perfectly and in the IDE, at the 'Project Explorer' view, I can see all the libraries that the EAR needs in the 'Bundled Libraries'.


      The problem comes when I add the project to the server. All those libraries are not deployed, if I go to the 'deployments' folder of the server, at the lib directory of the EAR deployed, there are only my JAR modules libraries, so at the start up it gives the logical 'ClassNotFoundException' when tries to start the Spring context.


      The odd thing is that, if I generate the .ear from the cmd line with Maven and I deploy directly on the deployments folder, everything goes correctly.


      Any idea why my deploys are not working when I make them with JBoss Developer Studio?


      Thanks a lot in advance.