1. Re: Server instances under server-group running on two different physical machine
udit-mishra-5113a21a Mar 16, 2016 6:09 AM (in response to josephsekar)Hello dear,
No, its not possible.
Yes, you can have several servers in different physical machines. They all can belong to same server group. Lets say you have two machines, both will be running the HC. So, they both have this file host.xml, right?
In first host.xml you can write
<server name="ServerOne" group="ServerGroup"/>
<server name="ServerTwo" group="ServerGroup"/>
In second host.xml you can write
<server name="ServerThree" group="ServerGroup"/>
<server name="ServerFour" group="ServerGroup"/>
So, you will have a cluster with one server group and 4 server nodes,ServerOne and ServerTwo will be running on Host1 and ServerThree and ServerFour wil be running on Host2.
Keep this thing clear in your mind that server group is a logical grouping and These two HC will be able to form a cluster using UDP multicast which will comprise of all the above mentioned nodes.