0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 17, 2016 4:43 AM by issam_wil10

    Resizing undertow thread pool size dynamically


      Enviroenemnt: Solaris 11

      JDK: 1.7



      We are using some big machines that are shared by many software(many Wildfly instances, Databases, ERPs ..).



      Our system administrator is complaining about the OS spending time checking if the Parked  Threads generated by Wildfly have something to do and this impact the other softwares  installed on the same machine.



      For that we are searching to change the way used to manage threads.



      Even create/evict threads is expensive we have decided to make a Custom Thread Pool which re-seized down in low load.



      For this we have used ServletExtension to set deployment to our Custom  Thread Pool which is re seized dynamically.



      Our problem is for http-remote used for remote  EJB invocation, is there a way as ServletExtension so that we can point to our Custom Thread Pool?



      Thanks very much
