1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 28, 2016 11:07 AM by jayshaughnessy

    Dashboard interval settings


      Hello Guys,


      Tool I am using to monitor my jboss application servers is jboss operations network3.3.


      I have changed collection interval to my desired value.


      For example ,



      But in dashboard it showing the results with the intervals of 8 minutes (by default). I want to change it to my desired values it seems there is no option in dashboard to change those values
      Can anyone help on this.





      Graph showing the values with 8 minutes difference between the bars by default.

        • 1. Re: Dashboard interval settings

          Graphs break up and smooth the data to, I think, 60 buckets for the given time range.  So unless your time range matches the raw data in just the right way you won't see a graph bar for each raw data point reported.  In your example, the graph covers about 7.5 hours, or about 450 minutes.  With 8 minute buckets we can see 8 * 60 = 480 minutes, so that's a quick estimate that shows why you are seeing what you're seeing.  If you hover over the graph you should see hi/lo/avg (I think) for that bucket, which should also make it clear that it's not a single data point but rather a time bucket.