1. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
tomjenkinson Mar 29, 2016 5:13 AM (in response to zhfeng)I think we need some information on how to resolve heuristics. I think mmusgrov will have some input here.
2. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
mmusgrov Mar 29, 2016 6:01 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)I have a prototype command line based equivalent of what is provided by the wildfly/EAP console. I could dust that off and add it as a quickstart and then the Karaf community can evaluate it.
3. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
ochaloup Mar 29, 2016 7:25 AM (in response to mmusgrov)I have to say that such tool would be quite useful for me as well.
5. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
mmusgrov Mar 29, 2016 9:32 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)Also note that we provided tooling for transaction logs via JMX. The details are in the INSTALL notes for the standalone product (narayana/narayana-full at master · jbosstm/narayana · GitHub)
6. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
zhfeng Mar 29, 2016 9:54 AM (in response to mmusgrov)Thanks Mike, it looks great !
7. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
tomjenkinson May 17, 2016 9:17 AM (in response to mmusgrov)It's worth to point out though that all the API calls should be available from MBeans already. Is there a link to the MBeans that Amos can use? The CLI you propose might be a useful addition but would likely not be compatible with Karaf shell anyway.
8. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
mmusgrov May 17, 2016 1:39 PM (in response to tomjenkinson)What do you mean by the API calls should be available from MBeans already?
Can you explain what you mean by compatible?
The way it works is that you create an instance of ObjStoreBrowser and give it a reference to a transaction log and then call probe on it which will create MBeans for each log it finds. Now make JMX calls to these MBeans to perform various management operations.
The prototype is pretty lightweight (300 lines of java). If anyone wants a preview its here:
[Edit:I have pushed my pending changes (accepts commands from the command line, from a file or interactively) - the new link is quickstart-1/BrowserCommand.java at JBTM-2238 · mmusgrov/quickstart-1 · GitHub]
9. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
tomjenkinson May 17, 2016 11:20 AM (in response to mmusgrov)What I am saying is that the standalone CLI is not a pre-requisite to Amos' original requirement but would be used to show him how to interface with the mbeans so of course is helpful.
Amos' given the prototype do you have enough to go on to create the JBTM and go ahead and implement this now?
10. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
mmusgrov May 17, 2016 1:50 PM (in response to tomjenkinson)zhfeng I updated the BrowserCommand.java with my recent changes to accept commands from a variety of sources. I haven't had a chance to progress the work but do let me know if you have questions.
Example 1: read commands from standard input:
java -jar target/tooling-5.0.3.Final-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c "store_dir /home/mmusgrov/source/forks/narayana/master/ArjunaJTS/jtax/target/test-classes/ObjectStore"
Example 2: read commands from a file:
java -jar target/tooling-5.0.3.Final-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f commands.txt
> cat commands
store_dir /home/mmusgrov/source/forks/narayana/master/ArjunaJTS/jtax/target/test-classes/ObjectStore
select StateManager/BasicAction/TwoPhaseCoordinator/ArjunaTransactionImple
Example 3: read commands from the java command line (each occurrence of -c <cmd> corresponds to a command):
java -jar target/tooling-5.0.3.Final-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c "store_dir /home/mmusgrov/source/forks/narayana/master/ArjunaJTS/jtax/target/test-classes/ObjectStore" -c "select StateManager/BasicAction/TwoPhaseCoordinator/ArjunaTransactionImple" -c "ls" -c quit
11. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
zhfeng May 24, 2016 1:34 AM (in response to mmusgrov)Thanks Mike, I will try to see if it works with the karaf shell.
12. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
zhfeng Jun 3, 2016 4:51 AM (in response to zhfeng)The related issue is [JBTM-2624] Introduce the administrator tool in the Narayana JTA OSGi integrated with the Karaf - JBoss Issue Tracker
the current commands is
- narayana:probe - Refresh the view of the object store
- narayana:ls [type] - List the transactions
- narayana:type - List the types of records
- narayana:delete <uid> - delete the transaction
13. Re: The administrator tool in the karaf with narayana transaction manager integration
mmusgrov Jun 3, 2016 10:39 AM (in response to zhfeng)d
- narayana:probe - Refresh the view of the object store
A slightly more meaningful name would be narayana:refresh instead of probe