1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 30, 2016 11:50 AM by jamezp

    Logging in JBoss / server mode


      While working and developing Optaplanner in "desktop" mode (as in, running directly on the machine it is tested) logging is turned on by default and when I run optimization problems I get the best solution information as it runs.


      And also I could see if some Drools rules were broken, etc. Very useful for debugging and adjusting parameters.



      But when running a project inside JBoss, the only thing I'm able to see when I give it a problem to solve via curl is:




      I've added logback.xml to the resources folder and I have the SLF4J and logback-classic dependencies added in Maven, but I don't know if there is something else I should be doing to get more information in real time about the problems I'm solving.





      PS: Original question on the Optaplanner forum: Google Groups, I was told that I should ask here too.

        • 1. Re: Logging in JBoss / server mode

          What are you expecting to see? I'm not sure I'm following that part.


          A couple things to note when using logback. You'll want to remove the logging subsystem from your deployment, use the same steps as excluding log4j. Also do note in logback if you're using a ConsoleAppender there's potential for messages to appear jumbled or out of order if WildFly is also using a ConsoleHandler.



          James R. Perkins