3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 2, 2016 2:21 AM by ewoutv

    Data role is not enforced




      in Jboss Developer Studio, I set up a VDB which I can query using JDBC without any problem using the following query:


      SELECT customernumber FROM customerListViewModel.customerListView


      I then added a data role to the VDB for the client user "testuser" like this:


      Schermafdruk van 2016-04-01 09:52:47.png


      Schermafdruk van 2016-04-01 09:55:21.png


      To my surprise, testuser is still able to query the column customernumber.

      I have a custom PolicyDecider set up, and commandContext.getVdb().getDataPolicies() returns nothing.


      What am I missing here?


      Best regards,
