i am following the examples from the quickstarts to develop a simple REST service and deploy it in JBoss EAP 6.4.
I created a dynamic web project in jboss dev studio and then turned it into a maven project, added jboss-annotations-api, cdi-api and jboss-jaxrs-api as provided dependencies.
I created a class that will be the service's core as follows
@Path("/") public class Application { @GET @Path("/json/{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getMessage(@PathParam("id") @DefaultValue("na") String id){ String result="{result:'generated message for "+id+"'}"; return Response.ok(result).build(); } }
and a service class that will activate JAX-RS
@ApplicationPath("/rest") public class Service extends Application { }
I have no web.xml. My application deploys and i see Register web context: /restapp in the server log. However i get a 404 error when i try to access it using http://localhost:8080/restapp/rest/json/test_id.
I cannot figure out what i am doing wrong.
Also what archetype do you guys recommend to start a project that will have both rest and soap services, jpa and ejbs in it with?