1. Re: mock boolean return type
tcunning Apr 14, 2016 9:42 AM (in response to mlybarger)Mark,
Can you provide the exception and a small test case? If autoboxing/unboxing isn't working it's something we should fix.
2. Re: mock boolean return type
mlybarger Apr 14, 2016 11:28 AM (in response to tcunning)Tom,
I put together a test case to show this. I have two projects. Foo and Bar. Foo invokes Bar over sca binding. bar has a method that returns boolean (and others). Bar is mocked in the test using mock similar to shown above. When bar returns boolean is invoked, exception is thrown as shown in the test. When bar returns Boolean, exception is not thrown.
git clone https://github.com/mlybarger/bar.git
git clone https://github.com/mlybarger/foo.git
cd bar && mvn install && cd ..
cd foo && mvn test
Please inspect the failing FooBeanTest in from the project above. Maybe I should create an issue in jira. I tried with sy 2.0.0-Final too and it fails there also.