1. Re: Errai 4.0 Beta1 Polymer rendering problem with Chrome 49
aanderson1776 May 1, 2016 2:15 AM (in response to aanderson1776)I reverted to Errai 3.2.3 and the issue still exists with Chrome although I did confirm that IE 11 properly renders the page like Firefox. After enabling finest level GWT logging I believe I discovered what the issue is. In TemplateUtil.getRootTemplateElement when the template is created using
Element parserDiv = DOM.createDiv();
Chrome actually renders the Polymer components instead of storing the raw template HTML, i.e.
<app-drawer swipe-open></app-drawer>
in the Errai template HTML is logged as
<app-drawer class="x-scope app-drawer-0" position="left" swipe-open="">
<div style="" class="style-scope app-drawer" id="scrim"></div>
<div style="" class="style-scope app-drawer" id="contentContainer">
.Then when the template is cloned with the cloneWithEmptyParent() method the Polymer elements are rendered a second time, i.e.
<app-drawer swipe-open="" style="touch-action: pan-y;" position="left" class="x-scope app-drawer-0">
<div id="scrim" class="style-scope app-drawer"></div>
<div id="contentContainer" class="style-scope app-drawer">
<div id="scrim" class="style-scope app-drawer" style="transition-duration: 0s;"></div>
<div id="contentContainer" class="style-scope app-drawer" style="transition-duration: 0s;"></div>
which leads to the duplicate elements I encountered. This behavior seems inconsistent between browsers and my require a fix in Chrome/GWT outside of Errai.
2. Re: Errai 4.0 Beta1 Polymer rendering problem with Chrome 49
aanderson1776 May 1, 2016 11:47 AM (in response to aanderson1776)Apparently there is a global Polymer setting that instructs Polymer to use the shadow DOM, natively supported in Chrome, instead of the default shady DOM:
Global Polymer settings - Polymer 1.0
<script src="assets/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
window.Polymer = {
dom : 'shadow',
lazyRegister : true
Finally with this setting enabled the Polymer elements in Errai templates rendered correctly in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.