1 Reply Latest reply on May 4, 2016 11:44 AM by smunirat-redhat.com

    somehow mvn: syntax to add feature or install bundle doesn't work


      When i try to add feature by below command

      features:addUrl mvn:org.fusesource.sparks.fuse-webinars.cxf-webinars/customer-features/1.1.4/customer-features-1.1.4.xml


      It throws below error.


      Error executing command: Unable to add repositories:

              Error resolving artifact org.fusesource.sparks.fuse-webinars.cxf-webinars:customer-features:customer-features-1.1.4.xml:1.1.4: Could not find artifact org.fusesource.sparks.fuse-webinars.cxf-webinars:customer-features:customer-features-1.1.4.xml:1.1.4 in maven.central.repo (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/)


      Feature file is present there on local repository(.m2/repository) but somehow fuse doesnt search for it under local repositor.


      Is there anything that i might be missing here? Any help much appreciated!