4 Replies Latest reply on May 25, 2016 4:11 PM by franco80

    Infinispan 8.1.2 There's already a JMX MBean instance type=Cache,name="__cluster_registry_cache__(repl_sync)


      Hi all


      i tryied to stop the cache manager like this: CACHE_MANAGER.stop(), but still i can't do this without errors:


      Caused by: org.infinispan.jmx.JmxDomainConflictException: ISPN000034: There's already a JMX MBean instance type=Cache,name="__cluster_registry_cache__(repl_sync)",manager="DefaultCacheManager" already registered under 'org.infinispan' JMX domain. If you want to allow multiple instances configured with same JMX domain enable 'allowDuplicateDomains' attribute in 'globalJmxStatistics' config element


      I found this [ISPN-4659] DefaultCacheManager.stop() is not removing the GlobalComponentRegistry JMX domain - JBoss Issue Tracker but it's not solved.


      I don't want to use option "allowDuplicateDomains", becouse i want to have only one, but i need to use jenkins to redeploy our application. I did unregistering all mbeans from JMX but after redeploy takes too much memmory each time doing this and during redepliy i recive OutOfMemmory error. Later also I added simply removing all caches from cache manager (with unregistering mbeans) with stopping cache manager and it's working fine but can you tell me what is good approach ?


      What is working actually is:







      can you please advise what approach should be used to redeploy application ?