1. Re: Switchyard version and tools
bfitzpat May 10, 2016 10:01 AM (in response to cong)Hi CongB!
Welcome to SwitchYard!
The SwitchYard tooling is now a part of the JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack and we currently have a version for Luna and are working on a Mars-based solution now as well. We just released JBDSIS 9.0.0.GA, which works with JBDS 9.1.0.GA (which is Mars-based).
If you already have the latest JBDS installed (9.1.0.GA), you can grab the latest SwitchYard tooling from the Eclipse Marketplace. Look for "JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack" and you should find version 9.0.0.GA (released this past week) in the list.
Or you can install from Help->Install New Software... via these update sites:
- use this for 'Location:' for the integration stack:
https://devstudio.redhat.com/9.0/stable/updates/integration-stack/ # released components
https://devstudio.redhat.com/9.0/stable/updates/integration-stack/earlyaccess/ # early access components
Though the SwitchYard tools is listed as "beta" in the early access, we are very stable at this point. We have a couple of things we're tidying up for the next release, but we're in good shape.
If you're looking for a quick "getting started" - I recommend taking a look at this tutorial - https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARD/Tutorial
Go ahead and create an EAP 6.4 server in place of the 6.1 server suggested by the text, but the rest should work as a great introduction to get you started.
If you have specific runtime questions, feel free to use the forums and the SwitchYard team will help out wherever we can.
Hope that helps!