3 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2016 4:56 AM by michpetrov

    facing trouble with rich:dataScroller page attribute



      Hello team,


      I am using JSF 2.2.8 and Richfaces 4.5.16.Final (earlier I tried 4.5.13.Final).


      I am facing issue with <rich:dataScroller> "page" attribute. I want to update data scroller current page from entering value manually into text box. For this purpose I referred showcase code and followed but I am facing issue with "page" attribute. When "page" attribute is not in datascroller tag, navigation works fine. But required functionality of updating current page manually do not work. When I add "page" attribute, datascroller's "next" and "prev" buttons functionally is disturbed. It is not linear. I tried to use object binding with UIDataScroller but it did not worked to resolve the issue with page attribute.


      I have seen couple of comments on other forums where they ask to remove "page" attribute, but I did not understand the purpose of doing this.





      bellow is the code snippet.




        <rich:dataTable value="#{mySearchManagedBean.payments}"

            var="myData" id="extdt_paymen" rows="#{myManagedBean.tableRows}"

            styleClass="g-data-table dataTableClass"                                        


         <a4j:ajax immediate="true" event="rowclick"




         <f:attribute name="sessionmyData"


         <rich:column headerClass="g-details-header g-align-center g-no-padding">

          <f:facet name="header">

           <div class="g-width-5per">

            <h:outputText value="   "/>



          <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectValue"


                styleClass="g-no-border paymentSelection #{myData.account.contains('nbsp') ? 'g-display-hidden':''}"

                disabled="#{ccaUI['status.ofac'] eq  myData.state}">






         <rich:column headerClass="g-details-header g-align-center g-no-padding" sortBy="#{myData.valueDate}"



          <f:facet name="header">

           <div class="g-width-20per">

            <a4j:commandLink styleClass="g-no-border"



             <h:outputText value="Value Date" escape="false"/>

             <f:attribute name="selected" value="valueDate"></f:attribute>

             <f:attribute name="view" value="payment"></f:attribute>

             <f:attribute name="listToBeSort"



            <ui:include src="/pages/template/common/sortingArrows.xhtml">

             <ui:param name="sortOrderParam"


             <ui:param name="idPrefix" value="my_valueDate"/>





          <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{myData.valueDate}">





        <div  style="position: absolute !important;bottom: 62px;height: 16px;width: 33.2%;line-height: 16px;">

         <h:outputText  value="Page " style="float:left;border: none;"/>

         <h:inputText id="pym_ds_numpage" value="#{myManagedBean.dsScrollerPage}" style="float:left;border: none;width:20px;"/>

         <h:outputText id="pym_ds_totalpage" value="of #{myManagedBean.totalPages}" style="float:left;border: none;"/>

         <h:commandButton id="pym_ds-go" value="Go"   style="float:left;border: none;"/>


         <rich:dataScroller maxPages="3" id="ds" for="extdt_paymen" stepControls="show" fastControls="hide" style="float:right;border: none;"

             render=":pageNumberOutPutTextTM :pym_ds_numpage :pym_ds_totalpage" scrollListener="#{myManagedBean.onScroll}"

             page="#{myManagedBean.dsScrollerPage}" reRender=":pym_ds_numpage"  binding="#{myManagedBean.scroller}" >

          <f:facet name="first">


           <span class="g-button-style g-small-button"><span class="g-bullet-icon g-arrow-left-end"></span></span>




          <f:facet name="next_disabled">


           <span class="g-button-style g-small-button inactive" ><span class="g-bullet-icon g-arrow-right" ></span></span>







        • 1. Re: facing trouble with rich:dataScroller page attribute

          You cannot set the page manually but you can use JS API to trigger the change from some other component.


          And for future reference - when you're including a piece of code you should make it as short as possible, trying to find what code is relevant is not much fun.

          • 2. Re: facing trouble with rich:dataScroller page attribute

            Hi Michal,

            sorry for the extra code.

            but I am reffering to the richfaces 3.3 url

            6.6.9.  < rich:datascroller > available since 3.0.0https://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/latest_3_3_X/en/devguide/html/rich_datascroller.html


            the code snippet from above url is as follows:

            <rich:dataTable id="carList" rows="7" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category">


            <rich:datascroller id="sc2" for="carList" reRender="sc1" maxPages="7" page="#{dataTableScrollerBean.scrollerPage}" />



                       <h:outputText value="Set current page number:" />

                       <h:inputText value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.scrollerPage}" id="sc1" size="1"/>

                       <h:commandButton value="Set" />




            So, is this kind of feature not available in richfaces 4 and above?

            in my existing code if I use below simple datatable and datascroller code still navigations "next" and "prev" are not linear due to presence of "page" attribute. If I remove "page" attribute it works properly. I have checked with Richfaces 4.5.16.Final (earlier I tried 4.5.13.Final).


            <rich:dataTable id="carList" rows="7" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category">


            <rich:datascroller id="sc2" for="carList" maxPages="3" page="#{dataTableScrollerBean.scrollerPage}" />



            What is solution for this?  JS API?

            • 3. Re: facing trouble with rich:dataScroller page attribute

              Yes that doesn't work, you have to use the JS API (or set it manually from the bean but that would be more difficult).